Angel and Her Puppies
Told By Karlissa Archibeque
In October, I was approached by several individuals from Newkirk regarding a Pyrenees mix mother dog and her five puppies, abandoned at a residence. Neighbors, assisted with food and necessities by us, had been feeding them. The puppies, around five months old at the time, were part of a situation involving a potential owner. This individual was in discussions with the Newkirk Animal Control Officer, and the case had become a police matter, which prevented our direct involvement. Despite multiple commitments to retrieve the dogs, the alleged owner never did so.
In November, our board member, Jane Thomas, a Newkirk resident, was informed by the Animal Control Officer, Jerry, about the dogs. By December, Jerry had transferred them to the Newkirk animal facility. The mother dog, whom we've named Angel, had given birth to another litter of seven puppies. She also suffered from a long-ago broken leg, which, never medically treated, healed incorrectly, causing her to drag it.
Jane Thomas generously offered to foster Angel and her newborn litter. Upon their arrival at our shelter, they received medical attention and are now in Jane's care. Angel remains underweight and not fully healthy, but they are all improving. Our commitment is to continue caring for them until Angel is healthy enough for spaying and adoption. According to our vet, Judy, Angel's leg, though malformed, doesn't cause her pain and likely won't require amputation. Angel has adapted to its condition.
Reflecting on the challenging life that Angel has faced, her resilience and loving nature are incredibly moving. This led us to name her Angel. Her puppies have been given names inspired by Christmas and biblical angels: Evangeline, Noelle, Ariel, Michael, Jack, Theodore, and Gabriel.
*Update* Angel's puppies are available for adoption: